Friday, April 22, 2011

"Oh hell nay!": A Shakespeare Pwned Story

   Yesterday, while I was creeping on facebook, I noticed a status made by a young man in my English class. He was talking about how Shakespeare's Hamlet was actually enjoyable. Before the comment was made, I talked to him in class about how amazing Shakespeare could really be (through the use of my favourite graphic novel Kill Shakespeare). I, "having the power of having rather too much of my own way and a disposition to think a little too well of myself", decided to comment on this status. I stated that Shakespeare's work is absolutely marvelous [awesome] and awaited my reply. I definitely got it. Some ignorant fool commented on the status saying "Shakespeare can go f*** an alligator". "Oh hell nay" I said,  utterly appalled. 20 seconds later, the fool added "Shakespeare sux (oh lord) no matter what you say gurl." This was the last straw. I was not going to allow some complete idiot to use improper spelling on my facebook wall. Strongly believing in the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer", I intensely studied his facebook. Surprisingly, his favourite movie was The Lion King. A grin, so evil appeared upon my face that I just had to laugh, evilly. I had won. Promptly, I comment back, "Just so you know ignorant child, The Lion King's plot was directly taken from Shakespeare's masterpiece Hamlet." It was over, no matter what the fool said as a comeback (it was quite rude). Don't mess with a Shakespeare fanatic. Next time child, think before you type for Shakespeare states "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit." Pwned. 

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