Friday, December 3, 2010

Forever and Not Always

Taylor Swift: Country singer, actress, fashion icon, activist, and someone who needs to shut up. Now don’t get me wrong, I like Taylor Swift and her music. No matter what you’re feeling, she has a song that will make you feel better but sometimes, she really pisses me off. I’m not saying she’s not talented, because she is. And I’m not saying I don’t like her clothes, because I do but she needs to learn when to shut her mouth. She basically is a grown woman who imagines she’s classy and sophisticated, yet talks (in detail) about her past boyfriends on national television. Seriously, no one cares that Joe Jonas broke up with you on a 25 second phone call or how John Mayer tricked you into falling for him. If boys keep breaking up with you Tay, there’s got to be something you’re doing wrong too.
Taylor also is a privileged girl who acts like she’s had a hard life because she was awkward in high school. Everyone is awkward in high school. She sees herself as a deep, earnest songwriter when really; she’s just a pretty face cashing in on the same insane, slut-slamming, fairytale insanity in practically everything she does. Stop wiping the tear drops off your guitar and write a song that doesn’t have anything to do with boys or being “strong”. Taylor wants her fans to see her as a badass for writing songs about her ex-lovers but she also wants them to see her as this poor, innocent victim if anybody tries to do the same to her. No one cares what Kanye did to you anymore. Beyonce’s music video was one of the greatest videos of all time. Deal with it. Sure, she plays guitar and writes her own songs. BUT THEY ALL SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME. I mean, holy shit. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think I’d be listening to the same song on repeat.
Oh, and by the way, ROMEO AND JULIET KILL THEMSELVES, THEY DO NOT END UP HAPPILY MARRIED. If you want your fans to believe that Romeo and Juliet ended up happily, go ahead, but Shakespeare is probably turning in his grave.

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