Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paris Hilton's Limo

    This is the brilliant paragraph my group wrote in Writer's Craft today. Mind you, it's primarily written by my magnificent group member, Asha Griffiths ( Katlin and I added some questionable sentences and concepts). No one in class was really paying attention to any one's paragraphs, so we decided to type it out for people to read. So, I hope you enjoy Paris Hilton's Limo.

Paris Hilton's Limo
Paragraph by Asha and a few sentences by Emma and Katlin
     Sitting there was like tasting a sour patch kid dusted in crack. Reality took a while to hit me. Champagne with an undertone of Chanel no. 5 enlightened my senses. In came the oh so glamorous 6ft 2 glamazon draped in authentic, exotic furs from Italy and diamonds and glitz, followed by a perfected fake tan, lingering with the smell of dirty sex and tequila. I sat there in amazement, frozen and taking it all in. Her entourage tipsily, tumbled into the backseat, bursting out in reels of obnoxious laughter. Their breath doused in jello shots and fuzzy navels; white powder dusting the flare of their nostrils.
     "Pass the Hennessy, you sexy bitch," Paris laughed grabbing the almost full bottle and taking a swig; a little alcohol spilling from her mouth onto her silicone ingested chest. The more the bottle was passed around, the greater their erazed, drunken laughs, with long tanned legs flailing and Jimmy Choo's flying. Skirts were slided half way up their thighs as they stood up and gyrated, then fell like drunken fools giddily into their leather seats.
    " OMG, where the fuck is Tinkerbell?" the cake faced glamorized, liposuctioned alcky- fiend implied.
    " OMG, what the fuck is that nasty smell?" said some anorexic chick in a leopard pink tube dress, pinching her nose.
     " Maybe it's you Paris!" blabbered the obnoxious brunette with no bra.
     " Close your crotch bitch!" Paris laughed, "that was hot!" They all laughed, flicking the liquor bottle in the air, sending drops of it on everyone. The backseat limo door opened.
      " Umm, miss Hilton, it appears we have a problem..." the young limo driver inquired. "We found Tinkerbell, umm, decomposing in the trunk. It looks like she's been there for around two weeks."
      Paris sat there, her mouth half open and smiling slightly.
      " So that's were the smell of rotting flesh came from. L.M.A.O!" she laughed.

1 comment:

  1. LMFAO!!!!!!!! This paragragh is an epic win!!!! Were awsome!!! Well done emma of typing this out im soo glad you did =)
